Year 3
Welcome to Year 3.
We aim to love, learn and grow in the footsteps of Jesus. Our safe and stimulating learning environment allows children the opportunity to progress and grow as individuals, who show that they are signs of God’s love in all that they do.
Year 3 is a very special year for the children as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. These are important steps in each child’s faith journey and it is a time of celebration.
Our Curriculum includes topics that ensure the children are working hard exploring and discovering information whilst having fun and enjoying their learning.
Our Learning
Find out more about our learning in our Curriculum Overviews (the latest overviews are at the top):
- Overview: Spring 1 - What influences our actions?
- Overview: Autumn 2 - How do we know about history if it is not written down?
- Overview: Autumn 1 - Are we damaging or developing God's Earth?
- Overview: Summer 2 - How does the past influence society today?
- Overview: Summer 1 - How can we share God's world with everyone?
- Overview: Spring 2 - Does God's creation cause harm?
Working on our maths stills. |
Talking about what makes us unique. |
Drawing who is most important to us in our hearts. |
Recreating our favourite images of God from the Bible. |