
“I am a sign of God's love”

At St. Francis we all follow our Mission Statement and show that we are all '...a sign of God’s love.'

St. Francis is a one form entry Catholic school which includes a part-time/ full-time Nursery. The school is situated in Shelfield - a suburb of Walsall, approximately two miles from Aldridge.

We have the capacity to teach 210 children of primary school age. (Reception to Year 6).

The foundation of all we do is based upon Christ at the centre and His Gospel values of love, peace and justice. We have a very strong Catholic ethos. We have a close relationship with the Church, St Francis of Assisi, and parish.

'St Francis’ school is fully inclusive and provides a loving, caring and secure family atmosphere where relationships are excellent.’ (RE Section 48 Report, November 2016)

All governors and staff share a vision and promote high expectations for all which are mirrored in our high standards of respect and care for all members of our school community.

St. Francis is a good school with some outstanding elements. We strive to continue to build on and maintain our very high standards, spiritually, academically and socially.

Behaviour at St. Francis is outstanding and as a result children have an excellent attitude to their learning and knowing that all can make progress.

'The school’s promotion of the Catholic Pupil Profile has impacted on the positive relationships and exemplary behaviour exhibited by the children. The way they are encouraged and enabled to live out their faith, shows that they thrive in the strong Catholic ethos which is evident throughout the school.’ (RE Section 48 Report, November 2016)

Our motto throughout school is to ‘Be Kind!’. We believe that there is no ceiling on learning and we can achieve our very best, knowing that we are alll... a sign of God’s love.

Our School Day

Gate opens to all pupils at 8.40pm

Collection time for Infant children including Nursery - 3.00pm
Collection time for Junior children - 3.00pm