Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to St. Francis Catholic Primary School’s website.

I am Miss Richards, the Headteacher and I joined this school in September 2015.

At St. Francis every child is welcomed and valued as a unique member of God’s family. They are taught that we are all a sign of God’s love through everything we do on a daily basis.

We work together as governors, staff, children and parents to reach our own individual gifts and talents in the wonderful family atmosphere that is special to our school. We teach that we are always learning throughout our lives.

We aim to develop the holistic child rooted in Jesus’ Gospel values, through the provision of high quality teaching within a safe and secure learning environment so that each individual, as a reflection of Christ, is enabled to reach their full potential.

Our Mission is to ensure that every individual knows that they are a sign of God’s love. At St. Francis we love, learn and grow in the footsteps of Jesus and are active signs of God’s love through praying, respecting and serving others.

We are active signs of God’s love through loving and learning, sharing and serving, playing and praying, respecting and responding, in a community filled with love.

We hope to help children to look to Our Lord for guidance and direction in their lives as we teach that Christ is at the centre of our everyday. The Christian Gospel message supports and sustains everything which happens in the school so that the Catholic Christian faith, can take root in the hearts and minds of all our children through any lesson throughout the day.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with visitors, visits, events and activities to inspire in each child a joy for learning, with Christ at the centre.

Our Catholic ethos focuses on our expectation for our children to be honest and respectful, care for others and work hard to develop skills, which will enable them to be good citizens and achieve success now and in the future.

We believe in an active working partnership between home and school and will provide you with regular information, both formally and informally, about all aspects of school life and your child’s progress at St. Francis.

Kind Regards

Miss Dawn Richards